our mission

We believe that inclusive employment can empower people and businesses to succeed.

our key missions

work that works for everyone

We match ready to work candidates with employers—and provide complete support to undertake a new role with confidence.

making workplaces more inclusive

We collaborate with employers to improve disability awareness, develop inclusive roles, and employ candidates with the skills they need.

cultivating fulfilling careers

We’re challenging societal bias by showing employers the potential of talented people with learning disabilities.

Our vision is for a society where people with learning disabilities enjoy fulfilling lives of their own choosing.  

And that includes the opportunity to secure paid work. Shockingly, 80% of people with a learning disability are unemployed (Mencap).

One of our values is to push for change – challenging society to be fully inclusive, and remove some of the barriers that people with learning disabilities currently experience. 

And that includes encouraging and supporting employers to experience the benefits of a more inclusive workforce. 

We hope that employers will want to share from their own experience: that employing someone like Iesha, right, with a learning disability and/or autism unlocks improved workplace culture and team performance. 

Iesha working in library

our journey so far

Empowering Employment is part of Minstead Trust – a charity that supports more than 320 people with learning disabilities along the south coast of England.

The Trust has been supporting people for almost 40 years, but began its employability work in earnest in 2017. Its successful Step Up For Work programme offered learners a structured work skills training pathway with work experience opportunities at the end.

In the last five years our employment work has expanded significantly to work in partnership with other organisations to offer supported internships, apprenticeships and job coaching.

In 2024 Empowering Employment was born, to give even more prominence to this crucial employment support work and ensure we can help even more people into rewarding and life-enhancing employment.


contact us

Find out more about our services for employers or job seekers with a friendly initial chat with one of our employment experts.

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